Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Bronx Community Health Assessment and Diagnosis Assignment

Bronx Community Health Assessment and Diagnosis - Assignment Example The main mission of setting up Bronx community assessments and diagnosis is driven by five factors. These as in Healthy People 2020 include: analysis of health status of the community as a whole; evaluation of the health resources, services and systems of care and hygiene within the community; assessment of attitudes towards community health services and issues; identification of priorities, determination of courses of actions to improve the health status of the community, and establishment of proper and achievable community health goals, and; establishment of an epidemiologic baseline for measuring improvement over time.So as to diagnose Bronx community, community analysis involving examination of the already generated data to define strengths, needs, barriers, readiness, opportunities, and resources to come up with a detailed and complete community profile would be necessary. Health indicators would therefore be based on the mortality rates, mobility rates, nutritional status, disa bility rates, utilization, socio-economic, health policy, life quality, social and mental, and environmental. For the specific purpose of this nursing case, however, much attention will be directed towards the health care delivery indicators such as equity in the provision of health care, doctor to population ratio, doctor to nurse ratio, inpatients to bed ratio, and finally population to health facilities’ ratio.In the cases of poor community nutrition related to the high number of fast-foods restaurants. and inadequate healthy eating habit establishments as may be evidenced by the concerns of the members of the Bronx community, health assessments and diagnosis exercises will be aimed at establishing the reasons for such eating habits and devising techniques that would help in the reduction of the number of average visits to the fast food restaurants per individual per a given duration of time in any given year (Herdsman, 2009). The Primary key to preventing such poor habits and promoting nutritious eating among the community member of Bronx would be to provide relevant education at the local food stores, super markets, and restaurants; and setting up agreements to place attention on healthier menu items. Secondary to this preventive method would be to offer free nutrition screening at all the local super markets or at offer

Monday, October 28, 2019

Reaction Paper Related on Business Communication Essay Example for Free

Reaction Paper Related on Business Communication Essay Further, to fully use new pedagogical possibilities offered by ICT, profound changes in managers conceptions of learning and knowledge are required. Technical expertise alone is not sufficient for exploiting new pedagogical possibilities provided by ICT; insofar as ICT is used in the educational system as a purely technical innovation, it is not likely that significant pedagogical progress will be achieved. Several cognitive researchers (e. g. , Salomon, 1997; Salomon ; Perkins, 1996; Scardamalia ; Bereiter, 1994) have pointed out that many applications of educational technology support only lower-level processing of knowledge. Yet new pedagogical models of using educational technology, and particularly computer-supported collaborative learning environments, promise to provide new opportunities for solving pedagogical problems in the schools. Scardamalia and Bereiter (1994; in press), and others, have proposed that to meet the future challenges, schools be transformed into communities where productive working for advancing communal knowledge is a primary goal of both students and managers. Knowledge building refers to a process of advancing understanding by setting up, articulating, and answering research questions, searching and exploring information, and generating and evaluating explanations. In the present study, the sustained processes of advancing and building of knowledge characteristic of scientific inquiry and knowledge-creating organizations are called progressive inquiry. Several, concurrent, cognitive research projects share a common goal of fostering such research-like processes of inquiry in education.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

I think that developing leadership in our youth is very essential. Developing leadership skills at a young age will be very beneficial to the person as they get older. They will have something to fall back on and build on from their youth. Leadership will benefit them in everything they do, and help them stand out. Standing out in a positive way will allow them to go much further than someone without great leadership skills. There are many different ways that will help develop you as a leader, and the rewards are endless once you master the art of being a great leader. Next I will explain why it is important to develop these leadership skills. In order for youth to be prepared to work in partnership with adults, they need to develop and/or enhance their leadership skills. Leadership training prepares youth to manage time, work as a team, set goals, start conversations, facilitate meetings, and make effective presentations. Promoting youth leadership development is a great way to promote positive life skills learning. To fully participate with adults, youth also need to be informe...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services (No. 87-154)

DeShaney v. Winnebago County was a landmark Supreme Court Case which was ruled on in February, 1989. The case revolved around Joshua DeShaney, a child who who was reportedly abused by his father, Randy DeShaney. In 1980, Joshua's parents divorced and his father won full custody. In 1983, Joshua was hospitalized for suspected abuse by his father. Winnebago County Department of Social Services got involved and four year old Joshua DeShaney was kept in the hospital's custody for three days. However, â€Å"On the recommendation of a 'child protection team,' consisting of a pediatrician, a psychologist, a police detective, the county's lawyer, several DSS caseworkers, and various hospital personnel, the juvenile court dismissed the case and returned the boy to the custody of his father.† (US Supreme Court). Over the next year, Winnebago's Department of Social Services visited the DeShaney household five times and each time, suspected child abuse was reported. In January and March of 1984, Joshua was reported too ill to be visited by social services for his bimonthly check ups. Evidently, he had been beaten to the point of slipping in to a life threatening coma by his father. Emergency brain surgery revealed that Joshua had a series of severe brain hemorrhages caused by head injuries inflicted over a long period of time. Joshua DeShaney survived, but he suffered severe brain damage and was not expected to ever make a full recovery. Joshua DeShaney's mother filed a lawsuit on his behalf, claiming that because DSS had taken no action to prevent the violence affecting her son, they had violated his right to liberty without the due process gauranteed to him by the Fourteenth Amendment. Joshua's mother sued under â€Å"42 U.S.C. 1983, alleg... ...nnebago County."  Wikipedia. N.p., 10 12 13. Web. 10 Jan 2014. . U.S. Supreme Court, . N.p.. Web. 10 Jan 2014. . Strauss, P.. N.p.. Web. 10 Jan 2014. . Cornell, . 10 Jan 2014. . . N.p.. Web. 10 Jan 2014. . . N.p.. Web. 10 Jan 2014. . . N.p.. Web. 10 Jan 2014. . "Estelle v. Gamble."  Wikipedia. N.p., 29 10 13. Web. 11 Jan 2014. . "Younberg v. Romeo."  Wikipedia. N.p., 5 11 12. Web. 11 Jan 2014. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Spiritual Teachers

Great Spiritual Masters and Teachers Written by Devon Love Sections on Babaji, How To Pick   Or Not Pick) A Spiritual Teacher, and Conclusion written by Christine Breese, D. D. Ph. D. Introduction Throughout time, many spiritual masters have offered teachings in service to humanity. Many who have been inclined toward self realization have, through a wide variety of different paths, reached this goal and gone on   to teach others. This process remains a mystery to and yet many people at some point in their lives begin to question who they are and seek out teachings to help them answer this question.There  are  multitudes  of   different  ways  that  spiritual  information  is  passed  on  and  shared  with  others. In  this  course  we  will  explore  the   many  different  categories  of  spiritual  masters  and  teachers  throughout  recorded  history. Review Of Literature (Exam  questions  are  not  drawn  from  the  Review  Of  Literature  section. )   Tao  Te  Ching  (1963)  translated  by  D. C. Lau  from  Lao  Tsu’s  original  words  is  a  translation  of  the  Chinese   classic. The   Tao   Te   Ching   rings   clearly   through   the   ages   as   a   Great   Pearl   of   timeless   Wisdom. All   serious   metaphysicians   should   study   this   work,   and   meditate   on   its   teachings.Like   all   great   spiritual   texts,   the   Tao   Te   Ching,  when  deeply  contemplated,  reveals  the  true  nature  of  the  universe. Peace   Is   Every   Step:   The   Path   Of   Mindfulness   In   Everyday   Life   (1991)   by   Thich   Nhat   Hahn   is   a   wonderful   book. Thich  Nhat  Hahn  is  a  Zen  Buddhist  monk  whose  teachings  come  straight  from  the  hear t. Those  who  have   discovered   his   work   have   likely   been   transformed   by   it. His   words   are   filled   with   compassion,   humility,   and   purity. In  Peace  Is  Every  Step,  Te  (teacher)  as  his  students  refer  to  him,  teaches  of  awakening  to  the  joy  of  now,  the   loving  presence  of  life.He  speaks  of  finding  joy  and  peace  wherever  one  is,  in  looking  at  flowers,  at  the  blue  sky, or  into  the  eyes  of  a  child. Thich  Nhat  Hahn’s  teachings  apply  to  everyone,  and  this  simple  book  is  an  excellent   introduction  to  his  work. The   Miracle   Of   Mindfulnes   (1975)   by   Thich   Nhat   Hahn   is   another   beautiful   gem   arising   from   the   consciousness   of   Te,   this   is   a   Zen   masterpiece,   reminding   us   in   simple,   economical,   and   flowing   words   of   the   wisdom  of  being  present  to  life. Using  anecdotes  from  his  life,  Te  tells  us  to  wake  up  and  consciously  experience   each  moment  as  the  precious  gift  that  it  is.From  washing  dishes  to  drinking  a  cup  of  tea,  he  encourages  us  to  be   fully   present,   awake,   and   aware,   to   be   fully   in   our   bodies,   and   experiencing   the   actual   physical   sensations   of   breathing  and  movement  in  these  acts,  this  being  the  key  to  fully  realizing  ourselves. The  Heart  Of  Buddha? s  Teachings:Transforming,  Suffering  Into  Peace,  Joy,  And  Liberation  (1998),  by  Thich  Naht   Hahn,   presents   the   teachings   of   Buddhaà ‚   in   a   simple   and   lovely   way. His   understanding   and   interpretation   of   these  teachings  is  flawless.He  speaks  of  his  own  relationship  with  suffering,  and  how  he  merged  with  Buddha   through  this. He  goes  to  the  heart  of  Buddha’s  teachings  on  suffering  and  non? suffering,  misery  and  happiness,   and   how   these   each   exist   only   with   the   presence   of   the   other. From   chapter   1:   Buddha   was   not   a   god. He   was   a   human  being  like  you  and  me,  and  he  suffered  just  as  we  do. If  we  go  to  the  Buddha  with  our  hearts  open,  he  will  look  at  us,   his   eyes   filled   with   compassion,   and   say,   â€Å"Because   there   is   suffering   in   your   heart,   it   isà ‚   possible   for   you   to   enter   my   heart. †¦If   you   have   experienced   hunger,   you   know   that   having   food   is   a   miracle. If  you  have  suffered  from  the  cold,  you   know   the   preciousness   of   warmth. When   you   have   suffered,   you   know   how   to   appreciate   the   elements   of   paradise   that  are   present. If  you  dwell  only  in  your  suffering,  you  will  miss  paradise. Don? t  ignore  your  suffering,  but  don? t  forget  to  enjoy   the  wonders  of  life,  for  your  sake  and  for  the  benefit  of  many  beings. The  Art  Of  Happiness:  A  Handbook  For  Living  (1998)  by  His  Holiness  the  Dalai Lama  with  Howard  C. Cutler   M. D. s   a   collaboration   between   H. H. the   Dalai   Lama,   the   spiritu al   leader   of   Tibet,   and   Dr. Cutler,   a   psychiatrist. These  two  people  broke  the  barriers  between  spirituality  and  psychology  in  order  to  help  people  realize  happiness. The  perspective  in  the  book  alternates  between  the  understanding  of  a  Western  psychiatrist,  and  the  understanding   of  a  Tibetan  spiritual  leader,  through  a  conversation  in  which  each  attempts  to  understand  the  other. The  outcome  is   a  rich  dialogue  of  great  importance,  which  explores  questions  such  as†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Is  happiness  truly  possible?   and†¦Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"How   is  it  that  we  find  happiness? †Ã‚  If  you  are  seeking  happiness,  this  book  is  recommended. Ethics  For  The  New  Millennium  (1999)  by  His  Holiness  The  Dalai  Lam a  is  a  book  dedicated  toward  the  task   of  right  living. An  excerpt  from  chapter  1  reads  as  follows:  We  have,  in  my  view,  created  a  society  in  which  people  find   it  harder  and  harder  to  show  one  another  basic  affection. In  place  of  the  sense  of  community  and  belonging,  which  we  find   Great  Spiritual  Masters  &  Teachers  Ã‚ ©2005  University  Of  Metaphysical  Sciences   1 uch  a  reassuring  feature  of  less  wealthy  (and  generally  rural)  societies,  we  find  a  high  a  degree  of  loneliness  and  alienation. Despite  the  fact  that  millions  live  in  close  proximity  to  one  another,  it  seems  that  many  people,  especially  among  the  old,  have   no  one  to  talk  to  but  their  pets. Modern  industrial  society  often  strikes  me  as  being  like  a  huge  self? propelled  machine. Instead   of  human  beings  in  charge,  each  individual  is  a  tiny,  insignificant  component  with  no  choice  but  to  move  when  the  machine   moves. Around  this  observation,  H.H. the  Dalai  Lama  offers  a  cure  for  what  ails  us. This  is  an  excellent  book,  and   a  great  follow? up  to  The  Art  Of  Happiness. Rumi  as  translated  by  Coleman  Barks  in  The  Essential  Rumi  (2001)  is  an  exquisite  translation  to  read. Here we  find  the  poetry  of  Rumi,  and  if  you  have  not  experienced  his  work,  there  is  nothing  to  do  but  drink  from  the   fountain:  Ã‚   The  Many  Wines   God  has  given  us  a  dark  wine  so  potent  t hat,  drinking  it,  we  leave  the  two  worlds. God  has  put  into  the  form  of  hashish  a  power  to  deliver  the  taster  from  self? consciousness.God  has  made  sleep  so  that  it  erases  every  thought. God  made  Manjun  love  Layla  so  much  that  just  her  dog  would  cause  confusion  in  him. There  are  thousands  of  wines  that  can  take  over  our  minds. Don? t  think  all  ecstasies  are  the  same! Jesus  was  lost  in  his  love  for  God. His  donkey  was  drunk  with  barley. Drink  from  the  presence  of  saints,  not  from  those  other  jars. Every  object,  every  being,  is  a  jar  full  of  joy? from  The  Essential  Rumi   Guru  For  The  Aquarian  Age:  The  Life  And  Teachings  Of  Guru  Nanak  (1996)  by  Steve  Gilba r  and  Partnatma   Singh   talks   about   a   particular   guru   named   Nanak.From   the   introduction   by   Yogi   Bajan:   Guru   Nanak   served   humanity  by  openly  teaching  this  technique  of  awareness  in  order  to  bring  men  out  from  the  pit  of  hell  into  which  they  had   been  dragged  by  the  blind,  ritualistic,  self? centered,  spiritual  egoists  of  that  dark  age. He  gave  men  freedom  of  the  spirit  and   took  away  the  domination  of  these  Ã¢â‚¬Å"middlemen. †Ã‚  Humanity  had  committed  the  error  time  and  time  again  of  worshiping  the   man   rather   than   the   truth   he   represents. Guru   Nanak   taught   that   it   is   God   who   prevails   through   demand   and   the   man? owever   great   he   may   be? is   only   the   channel,   the   instrument   for   the   flow   of   Divine   Wisdom. Men   are   meant   to   praise   God,   and   to   teach   others   to   do   so,   not   to   become   objects   of   worship   themselves. Thus,   Guru   Nanak   reestablished   righteousness  and  the  path  to  glory  in  his  own  time. He  made  mankind  understand  the  basic  law  of  life:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Nanak  nam  Chardi   kala,  tere  bhane  sarbat  ka  bhala,†Ã‚  keep  up  and  wish  good  to  all. Isis  Unveiled:  Secrets  Of  The  Ancient  Wisdom  Traditions,  Madame  Blavatsky? s  First  Work,  A  New  Abridgment   For   Today   (1997)   by   Helena   P.Blavatsky,   abridged   by   Michael   Gomes   is   a   classic. Helena   Blavatsky   was   a   spiritual  adventurer  and  metaphys ician  who  founded  the  Theosophical  Society,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A  world  organization  dedicated  to   fellowship   among   all   peoples   and   encouragement   of   the   study   of   religion,   philosophy,   and   science. † In   this   voluminous   book,  Blavatsky  endeavors  to  reveal  the  truth  underlying  the  ancient  mystery  teachings  found  in  many  cultures. Though   the   original   is   difficult   to   read,   the   abridged   edition   is   much   more   accessible.If   one   is   serious   about   metaphysics,  theosophy,  Egyptology,  and  mystery  school  teachings,  this  is  a  must  read. Hildegard   Von   Bingen’s   Mystical   Visions:   Translated   From   Scivias   (1995)   translated   by   Bruce   Hozeski   is   all   about  Hildegard  Von  Bingen,  an  eleventh  century  mystical  visionary  who  had  begun  to  have  visions  and  speak   prophecy   by   the   age   of   15. She   was   a   writer   and   an   accomplished   musician,   and   everything   she   wrote   and   composed  seemed  divinely  inspired.This  book  is  a  translation  from  her  work  entitled  Scivias,  which  means  Know   The   Path. It   is   a   collection   of   her   visions   and   the   prophecy   brought   forth   in   them. There   are   26   visions,   and   Hozeski  breaks  each  one  up  into  sections  and  discusses  and  interprets  the  rich  symbolism  contained  within. This   is  a  profound  look  into  the  visions  of  a  great  mystic. In   Tales   of   Hasidim:   Book   One,   The   Early   Masters   (1991)   by   Martin   Buber,   tra nslated   by   Olga   Marx,   the   author   tells   the   stories   of   the   early   leaders   of   this   religion.The   brilliant   Jewish   philosopher   and   scholar/practitioner   of   the   Hasidic   faith,   comments   on   the   philosophy   of   Hasidic   Judaism. His   writing   on   The   Baal   Shem   Tov   were   used   in   the   research   for   this   course. Martin   Buber? s   body   of   work   has   been   profoundly   influential  in  its  focus  on  the  value  of  human  relationships  and  conscious  interaction  with  life. His  philosophical   views  are  beautifully  expressed  in  the  now  classic  I  And  Thou  (1970). If  you  are  interested  in  learning  more  about   Hasidism  or  human  relationships,  these  works  are  invaluable  to  your  studies. Why   The   Baal   Shem   Tov  Laughed:  52  Stories  About  Our  Great  Chasidic  Rabbis  (1993)  by  Sterna  Citron  is  an   informative  piece  of  literature  on  Hasidic  Judaism. From  the  back  cover:  In  the  year  5487,  a  brilliant  source  of  light illuminated  the  dark  skies  of  European  Jewry. Yisroel  Baal  Shem  Tov  breathed  life  and  joy  into  a  population  oppressed  by  a   Great  Spiritual  Masters  &  Teachers  Ã‚ ©2005  University  Of  Metaphysical  Sciences   2 hostile  environment  and  depressed  by  disillusionment†¦Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"These  Hasidic  stories  are  not  only  heartwarming  and  encouraging   but  also  a  source  of  our  own  character  building.While  reaching  the  goals  of  the  saintly  individuals  may  be  unrealistic,  the   principles   they   established   and   manifested   in   their   lives   should   serve   as   guidelines   for   us. Even   the   fact   that   we   cannot   achieve  their  greatness  should  not  deter  us  from  at  least  trying  to  emulate  them. †? from  Dr. Abraham  J. Twerski   A  Simple  Path  (1995)  by  Mother  Theresa  and  compiled  by  Lucinda  Vardey  chronicles  the  works  of  Mother   Theresa,  her  unfailing  dedication  to  serving  those  in  need,  and  the  formation  of  her  powerful  and  compassionate   organization,   The   Missionaries   Of   Charity.The   story   of   Mother   Theresa   and   her   works   is   an   inspiration   to   all. This  is  highly  recommended  reading. From  the  back  cover:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"There  is  something  else  to  remember? that  this  kind  of   love  begins  at  home. We  cannot  give  to  the  outside  what  we  don? t  have  on  the  inside. This  is  very  important. If  I  can’t  see   God? s   love   in   my   brother   and   sister   then   how   can   I   see   that   love   in   somebody   else? How   can   I   give   it   to   somebody   else? Everybody  has  got  some  good. Some  hide  it,  some  neglect  it,  but  it  is  there.   ? Mother  Theresa  Ã‚   The   Philosophy   Of   Freedom:   The   Basis   For   A   Modern   World   Conception   (1916)   was   translated   by   Michael   Wilson   and   is   an   early   work   of   philosophy   by   Rudolph   Steiner. Steiner   was   a   19th? century   philosopher,   spiritualist   and   clairvoyant   who   created   a   spiritual? p hilosophical   cosmology   that   he   called   anthroposophy. He   was   a   student   of   mystery   teachings,   and   was   involved   for   years   with   the   Theosophical   society,   as   well   as   the   Rosicrucians.The   Philosophy   Of   Freedom   was   his   defining   work   outlining   his   cosmological   view. From   the   back cover:  Are  we  free,  whether  we  know  it  or  not? Or  is  our  sense  of  freedom  merely  an  illusion? Rudolph  Steiner  tackles  this   age? old  problem  in  a  new  way. He  says  that  by  taking  account  of  our  own  activity  of  thinking,  we  can  know  the  reasons  for   our  actions. And  if  these  reasons  are  taken  from  our  world  of  the  ideals,  then  our  actions  are  free,  because  we  alone  determine   them. But   this   freedom   cannot   be   settled   for   us   by   philosophical   argument.It   is   not   simply   granted   to   us. If   we   want   to   become  free,  we  have  to  strive  by  our  own  inner  activity  to  overcome  our  unconscious  urges  and  habits  of  thought. In  order   to  do  this  we  must  reach  a  point  of  view  that  recognizes  no  limits  to  knowledge,  sees  through  all  illusions,  and  opens  the  door   to  an  experience  of  the  reality  of  the  spiritual  world. Then  we  can  achieve  the  highest  level  of  evolution. We  can  recognize   ourselves  as  free  spirit. ?Michael  Wilson  Ã‚   Gurdjieff:  The  Key  Concepts  (2003)  by  Sophia  Wellbeloved  is  a  thorough  investigation  of  Gurdjieff’s  legacy   of  work.From  the  back  cover:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sophia  Wellbeloved  has  provided  here  a  tool  for  delving  beneath  Gurdjieff’s  veil  of  words,   for  both  a  specialized  and  general  public†¦Ã‚  this  is  a  work  that  honors  Gurdjieff’s  gift  to  the  moral  and  spiritual  welfare  of   mankind. †Ã‚  ? Paul  Beekman  Taylor. â€Å"This  unique  book  offers  clear  definitions  of  Gurdjieff’s  teaching  terms,  placing  him   within  the  political,  geographical,  and  cultural  context  of  his  time. Selected  entries  look  at  diverse  aspects  of  his  work. †Ã‚   Teachings   Of   The   Hindu   Mystic   (2001)   by   Andrew   Harvey   is   a   compilation   of   writings   from   the   Hindu   mystical   tradition.Andrew   Harvey   is   a   wo rld? renowned   author,   lecturer,   and   teacher   of   the   world? s   spiritual   traditions. He  has  spent  many  years  studying  Hinduism,  Buddhism  and  Christianity. Included  are  works  from   the  Bhagavad? Gita,  the  Upanishads,  teachings  from  Ramakrishna  and  Ramana  Maharishi,  as  well  as  devotional   poetry   from   Mirabai,   Ramprasad,   and   others. This   is   a   great   introduction   to   Hindu   mystic   teachings,   with   its   beautiful  way  of  expression  through  lyrical  verse. Brother   Francis:   An   Anthology   Of   Writings   By   And   About   St. Francis   Of

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Adoption1 essays

Adoption1 essays Adoption is an alternative way to have a family; it is a lifetime decision that should be made very cautiously. Adoption is a process where parents are supplied for children whose biological parents are deceased, or for those children whose biological parents are unable or unwilling to provide for their care. Adoption creates a parent-child relationship recognized for all purposes including: child support obligations, inheritance rights and custody(Aigner p 10). The children are provided for childless couples or individuals interested in becoming parents. According to Dr. Ruth Mc. Roy at the UT School of Social work, there are approximately 5,000,000 US births each year. Out of that approximation 118,000 are adoptions. Adoption is traced back to the bible. It is known that the Pharaohs wife adopted Moses, and Jesus was even adopted by Joseph. Adoption even goes as far back as the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and even the Babylonians. There were guidelines for adoption written in the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, the oldest set of written laws, and the practice of adoption Gradually became the institution of adoption, as the legal guidelines evolved through the Holy Roman Empire, the kingdoms of Europe and Asia, and finally, the United States and the Americas. It is recorded that Judaism and Christianity was founded on the idea of open adoption. Before 1850, there were no laws governing adoption. Kids would just be given away without any questions; it was economically motivated because of the circumstances that existed. People living in the city would give up their kids because they couldnt afford to take care of their children. Farmers loved to receive them because they were able to make them help out on the farm. In 1850 adoption became legally recognized in the United States. The government began making minimal standards for adoption, hoping that the old way of adoption wou...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Spanish Indirect-Object Pronouns

Spanish Indirect-Object Pronouns Spanish verbs can be accompanied by direct and indirect objects. A direct object is the noun or pronoun that the verb acts directly on, while an indirect object is the person affected by the action but not acted directly upon. So in a sentence such as I see Sam, Sam is the direct object of see because Sam is the object that is seen. But in a sentence such as I am writing Sam a letter, Sam is the indirect object. The item being written is letter, so letter is the direct object. Sam is the indirect object as one who is affected by the verbs action on the direct object. Spanish Differentiates Betweem Direct and Indirect Objects If youre learning Spanish, the distinction can be important to make because Spanish, unlike English, sometimes uses different pronouns for direct and indirect objects. It is also important to note that many Spanish sentences use indirect-object pronouns where a different construction is used in English. For example, me pintà ³ la casa would typically be translated as he painted the house for me. In fact, one sign of an indirect object in English is that it usually can be understood, to use me as an example, as for me or to me. For instance, he bought her the ring is the same as he bought the ring for her. In that first sentence, her is an indirect object. (The Spanish equivalent would be à ©l le comprà ³ el anillo.) Here are the indirect-object pronouns along with their English equivalents and examples of their uses: me - me - Juan me da una camisa. (John is giving me a shirt.)te - you (singular familiar) - Juan te da una camisa. (John is giving you a shirt.)le - you (singular formal), him, her - Juan le da una camisa a usted. (John is giving you a shirt.)  Juan le da una camisa a à ©l.  (John is giving him a shirt.)  Juan le da una camisa a ella.  (John is giving her a shirt.)nos - us - Marà ­a nos da unas camisas. (Mary is giving us some shirts.)os - you (plural familiar) - Marà ­a os da unas camisas. (Mary is giving you some shirts.)les - you (plural formal), them - Marà ­a les da unas camisas. (Mary is giving you some shirts, or Mary is giving them some shirts.) Note that the direct-object and indirect-object pronouns are identical in the first and second persons. Where they differ is in the third person, where the only indirect objects (except in what is usually considered substandard speech) are le and les. Using Indirect Objects in Special Cases As some of the above examples indicate, an indirect-object pronoun is used whenever a sentence includes an indirect object, even though a pronoun might not be used in English. A further clause can be added for clarity or emphasis, but, unlike in English, an indirect pronoun is the norm. For example, le escribà ­ could mean I wrote to him, I wrote to her or I wrote to you, depending on the context. To clarify, we can add a prepositional phrase, as in le escribà ­ a ella for I wrote to her. Note that le is still typically used, even though a ella makes it redundant. Both direct- and indirect-object pronouns are typically placed before conjugated verbs, as in the above examples. They can be (but dont have to be) attached to infinitives and present participles: Te voy a escribir una carta and voy a escribirte una carta (I am going to write you a letter) are both correct, as are le estoy comprando un coche and estoy comprndole un coche (I am buying him a car). In commands, direct and/or indirect objects are attached to affirmative commands but precede negative commands. Escrà ­beme (write me), but no me escribas (dont write me). Note that in affirmative commands and when attaching an object to a present participle, attaching the object at the end of the verb can result in an orthographic accent being needed to keep the stress on the correct syllable. If you have a direct object and an indirect object with the same verb, the indirect object comes first. Te las escribo. (I am writing them to you.) Sample Sentences Using Indirect-Object Pronouns Indirect objects are shown in these sentences in boldface. Object pronouns in regular type are direct objects or objects of prepositions. No le voy a dar el gusto a nadie de vencerme tan facilmente. (I am not going to give anyone the pleasure of defeating me so easily. A nadie is a redundant phrase; le remains necessary. The -me of vencerme is a direct object.) ¿Nunca me has visto beber algo ms que una copa de vino? (Have you never seen me drink more than one cup of wine? Beber here is an infinitive acting as a direct object.)Le construyeron un gimnasio para que pudiera ejercitarse. (They built him/her a gymnasium so he/she could exercise. Note that the indirect object here can apply to both males and females.)Queremos decirle a ella que ella forma gran parte de nuestras vidas. (We want to tell her that she makes up a big part of our lives. Que and the words following function as a direct object.)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Overcome A Fear Of Public Speaking

How To Overcome A Fear Of Public Speaking Do you get performance anxiety when you need to make a speech in public, be it a large or small crowd? It’s entirely normal if you’re nodding your head ‘yes’, because even the most seasoned public speakers in the world suffer from an attack of the jitters from time to time. The key is in knowing how to deal with such problems, having a few methods in your pocket to get you over your anxiety, and recognising that feeling nervous to any degree is entirely normal. If you have a big presentation coming up, and you’re losing sleep over it, worry no more! Here’re a few tips on how you can become a rockstar public speaker, and kick those worries to the curb. So here they are: Know What You’re Talking About Preparation is everything, and knowing inside out what you’re talking about is the way forward. Research, research, research! Don’t leave everything to the last minute, make sure you look into your topic and know your stuff well ahead of time, because putting it all off will simply add to your problems and make you more nervous about the outcome. Here at Essay Writing Place, we offer a comprehensive service for students experiencing problems with presentations, providing them with thorough research which is easy to understand and present and developing an effective outline. Having everything you need not only in your head, but also down on paper in front of you, goes a long way to easing your performance anxiety. Practice Really Does Make Perfect We’ve all heard this saying, but it is a truth. Stand in front of a mirror and deliver your speech or presentation, or perhaps ask a friend or family member to listen to it for you and act as the audience. It doesn’t matter whether you go over it twenty times, because the more you do it, the easier it will become, and the more confident you will feel – you will probably also feel that you know it off by heart, and that is certainly a great way to cut down on worries and stress. Think Positive Before you head onto that podium and deliver your presentation, picture in your mind that you were successful, that you had a standing ovation, and basically that you brought the house down. Positive thoughts bring about confidence, and it is confidence which will carry you through. Focus On Your Breath During your presentation, and certainly before, if you feel your heart rate starting to climb, and your breath coming in sharp bursts, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and hold it for a few seconds, before exhaling slowly. Focusing on your breath shuts out the outside word, which in turn shuts out your worries. Before you head onto that podium, practice this method and feel your nerves melt away. Don’t Focus Too Much On The Audience The information you’re giving to your audience is more important than the audience itself, so try and shut out as much as you can when you think about the people sat in front of you. You may look nervous from time to time during your presentation, but so what? Nerves can power us to success. Be passionate about the information you’re giving. Don’t Be Afraid To Take A Moment If you feel your hands shaking, or you can hear a hitch or wobble in your voice, take a moment to gather yourself, do your deep breathing, and continue. Nobody is going to notice you having a second or two to yourself, and whilst it might seem like an age to you, in reality it is probably going to be no more than five seconds. Pat Yourself On The Back, You Rock! Well done you! You did it, and you should be proud of yourself. Even if you had a few minor wobbles, it doesn’t matter, because you got the job done. Take each success as a step towards major confidence in the future when it comes to your next bout of public speaking. Even the most confident people in the world sometimes stumble when making speeches in public, and it’s certainly not a failing to admit that this is an area that worries you. It’s all about preparation, knowing your stuff, and sometimes about faking confidence. Our presentation preparation service will go a long way to helping you be 100% prepared, and when you know what you’re doing, the rest is easy.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Multimedia website report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Multimedia website report - Essay Example ..................................................................................................3 2. Analysis and Requirements Phase.........................................................................................3 2.1. Types of requirements....................................................................................................3 2.2. User requirements...........................................................................................................3 2.3. Client requirements.........................................................................................................4 2.4. Technical requirements................................................................................................. 4 2.5. Survey and critique of similar websites..........................................................................5 2.6. Analysis of requirements.................................................................................................5 3. Desig n Phase..........................................................................................................................5 3.1. Web designs....................................................................................................................6 3.2. Web layouts.....................................................................................................................6 3.3. ... .............................8 3.6. Structural chart.................................................................................................................8 3.7. Categories of information................................................................................................8 3.8. Paper prototypes...............................................................................................................9 3.9. Formative evaluation of designs......................................................................................9 4. Implementation Phase.............................................................................................................9 4.1. Functions and features of the website and the justification.............................................9 4.2. Usability and accessibility...............................................................................................10 5. Evaluation Phase................................................... .................................................................11 5.1. User evaluation................................................................................................................11 5.2. Client evaluation..............................................................................................................11 5.3. Technical evaluation........................................................................................................11 5.4. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) evaluation..............................................................12 6. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................12 7.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Blackfish Movie Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Blackfish Movie Review - Essay Example If ignorance is bliss, then not seeing this film is perhaps best for those who wish to preserve their memories of SeaWorld’s orcas as majestic creatures; but if one would prefer to see the reality behind the shadows, there is much to be gained by seeing Blackfish, which is a critical look at SeaWorld’s animal acquisition and caretaking practices. In several ways, the film directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite exemplifies the purpose of investigative journalism: connecting the dots, asking the tough questions, telling a story, and making an impact on society – and, in that sense, deserves to be seen. As a reader of film reviews, I am always looking for advice on which films to see and which films not to see. After all, time and attention is a valuable asset, and no one wants to waste it on a movie that is not worth the time it takes to queue it up. What I look for in a documentary film is not determined by the type of documentary it is – but rather that the film itself has a story. That story may be narrated or it may be told just through the events and happenings of the film but at the end of the day – there must be a story present. The same is true for any piece of investigative journalist because, at the end of the day, an investigation will have a beginning, a middle, and an end: all of which combine to present a narrative to the reader or viewer. Blackfish is a documentary film directed by Gabriela Cowperwaithe, who built the project with Manny O. Productions. The story is about the captivity of Tilikum, which is an orca implicated in the deaths of three individuals – but it attempts to make a broader point about keeping killer whales in captivity. The narrative the film follows is from Tilikum’s capture off the coast of Iceland, to its violent behavior at other sea parks, to its training and performances at SeaWorld. The film was released on January 19, 2013 at the Sundance Film Festival before it was picked up

ECONOMICS OF RACE AND GENDER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ECONOMICS OF RACE AND GENDER - Essay Example The variance in appearance that would facilitate the rich, as well as well rounded debate that would occur about a wealth of issues by a wide variety of the general populous. Just as economic understanding is important in terms of comprehending the societal picture, so is the influence that diversity would have on it as well. From a standpoint of general definition, diversity in a sense is the variance found within participants in a given area. One such instance of diversity would be the distinction between the genders. The difference in the level of earnings possessed between the species, largely based upon the gender of the respective individual. Ultimately, the case would become the economics of gender and how it plays out for everyone. How an individual may find themselves, at any point in their live, judged not for their work as the primary reason but rather, would see the judgment placed upon them, in the form of such things as monetary compensation, be based upon their gender. Statistics have also outlined throughout history, in terms of the issue of earning capacity of individuals that would belong to a specific race, or nationality of origin. As the present state of the American economy would make it so that more and more people would be further assessing the influences that impact the economy as a whole, the consideration of race and gender in terms of the economy’s performance, would be all the more important to look at. Group participation projects can be very beneficial in terms of getting the full spectrum of the issue at hand. The advantage being the opportunity to harness the opinions of the group members as they work together and create a product for the rest of the class to view. As for the role taken personally in terms of my participation within the creation of the group project, I would have to say

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Issues Associated with Road Congestion Research Proposal

The Issues Associated with Road Congestion - Research Proposal Example Road traffic congestion is a situation that is characterized by a high number of vehicles on a road that leads to low speed and longer time taken for a trip, road congestion has its negative effects on both the owners of vehicles and also to the environment, some of these negative effects include pollution, increased economic costs, stress, and time wastage and increased health hazards to the individuals. Traffic congestion increases the time used for a certain trip, this means that the vehicles will be more likely to emit more pollutant gases into the atmosphere as compared to travel where there is less traffic. Pollution includes both air and sound pollution, air pollution will degrade the environment and some of these minerals are emitted which degrades the environment include sulfur, lead and carbon dioxide. Once the environment is degraded by these gases it poses some health hazards such as acid rain which may cause damage to property and also skin cancer. Global warming is the major environmental effect that is associated with pollution, it is the current issue of concern and traffic congestion can be linked as a source of global warming. In times of traffic snarl-ups too much is wasted that could have been used to conduct other economic activities, many business opportunities are lost due to this inefficiency caused by traffic congestion, it can also be associated with causing lateness to a person who may be urgently needed somewhere, it may also hamper emergency cases such as ambulances may be unable to reach hospitals on time causing even loss of lives.

HEALTH ECONOMIC Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HEALTH ECONOMIC - Assignment Example According to this article, pharmaceutical companies spend a lot of money on promotional talks. They have now turned to using the medical providers to advertize their drugs. Thus, the report says that all of these companies have a financial relationship with doctors. For example, in 2013, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson spent a total of $142,600, $111,200 AND $100,000 on doctors. They used these moneys to pay doctors whom they were working with. This explains why people like Dr. Mare Cohen got $270,000 after being consulted by 6 companies. The economic argument behind this report is that it is very important for the development of health sector in the country. First, it can help in strengthening the relationship between the medics and pharmaceutical companies. Besides, it can help in motivating the medical care providers. For instance, when they are used as consultants by these companies, they can get a lot of money in return. Lastly, it can help in restoring the confidence of the patients. By being diagnosed and treated by recognized consultants, they will feel proud and contented. Once their drugs are recommended by these doctors, they will readily accept to use them as

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Issues Associated with Road Congestion Research Proposal

The Issues Associated with Road Congestion - Research Proposal Example Road traffic congestion is a situation that is characterized by a high number of vehicles on a road that leads to low speed and longer time taken for a trip, road congestion has its negative effects on both the owners of vehicles and also to the environment, some of these negative effects include pollution, increased economic costs, stress, and time wastage and increased health hazards to the individuals. Traffic congestion increases the time used for a certain trip, this means that the vehicles will be more likely to emit more pollutant gases into the atmosphere as compared to travel where there is less traffic. Pollution includes both air and sound pollution, air pollution will degrade the environment and some of these minerals are emitted which degrades the environment include sulfur, lead and carbon dioxide. Once the environment is degraded by these gases it poses some health hazards such as acid rain which may cause damage to property and also skin cancer. Global warming is the major environmental effect that is associated with pollution, it is the current issue of concern and traffic congestion can be linked as a source of global warming. In times of traffic snarl-ups too much is wasted that could have been used to conduct other economic activities, many business opportunities are lost due to this inefficiency caused by traffic congestion, it can also be associated with causing lateness to a person who may be urgently needed somewhere, it may also hamper emergency cases such as ambulances may be unable to reach hospitals on time causing even loss of lives.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Explaining a Concept Research Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Explaining a Concept Research Paper - Assignment Example rism because there were differences in believes and opinions amongst its members because of the liberation movements that were occurring all over the world, and the right to self-determination. Because of the emergence of these differences, it was very difficult for the UN to come up with a single definition of the term terrorism. A term that is acceptable to all the countries forming the United Nations, and one that is legally binding to all the states that form the United Nations. Despite the inability of the UN to come up with a single definition of the term terrorism, the International Community has developed a series of definitions to depict the various forms of terrorism, criminalizing them in the process. In condemning terrorism attacks in various parts of the world, the UN General Assembly usually use a political description to the term terrorism (Fisher, 15). According to this political description, terrorism is a criminal act whose intention is to create a situation of terror to the public, a particular individual, or a group of individuals for political reasons. These acts are unjustifiable, no matter the philosophical, political, religious, or ethnic reasons given to justify the terrorist act under consideration. Scholars denote that it is possible to define the term terrorism by analyzing its var ious characteristics. The following are the various characteristics of terrorism; A definition by Fisher (26) stresses the importance of tactical and psychological aspects of terrorism. According to this definition, terrorism is a political violence, which occurs in an asymmetric conflict, designed to create psychic fear, and terror. This will occur by violently victimizing and destroying non-combatant areas/ targets. Through such activities, the terror group will be sending a message to the government or relevant agencies concerned about their demands and desires. On this note, terrorists aim at exploiting the media, with the intention of achieving maximum

Healthy Lifestyle Essay Example for Free

Healthy Lifestyle Essay The Role and Issues that arise of the GetFitCrossFit Organization among adults in Brunei. Health, a fortune I wish upon every woman or man I see for without it she or he will not be able to explore the seas. Although the ideal concept would be for everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, the world is evident that this is difficult to achieve. The leading causes of worldwide deaths are diseases which I believe can be prevented (Grifantini, 2010). Simply, health is a necessary commodity to carry out everyday tasks, and if one would like to carry out a task well, one needs to have a healthy mind, body and soul (World Health Organization, 1948). In Brunei, in the recent years, the government keeps campaigning for healthy lifestyles, banks and other companies hold marathons, GetFitCrossFit organization has been rising and is very popular now. However, although these efforts have its role and aim on maintaining and achieving a healthy lifestyle, it may not be affective. Hence, this essay will elaborate on the role and the effectiveness on the GetFitCrossFit organization among adults in Brunei. First and foremost, it is the members’ responsibility to understand the elements of fitness, examine their present fitness status, decide to begin or continue suitable exercise habits and lastly to determine their health behaviors that need to be changed following appropriate steps (Howley Franks, 1991, p.10). The role of this organization is basically to keep fit and practice a healthy lifestyle. Adding to that, their aim is to make people fast and strong. This organization concentrates on mainly on three fundamental factors that must collaborate in order to benefit from workouts which are exercise, nutrition and recovery. Weightlifting, gymnastics and running are the components used for the exercise in balancing strength an d conditioning. Balanced diet is really important in terms of reducing processed food and sugar and more natural foods (Rodriguez, 2009). As for the recovery, proper sleeping habits are needed, stretching and make the soft tissues work by massage therapy. The GetFitCrossFit organization is organized and thorough with what they do. Members will have a full fitness assessment before starting because each individual will have a safely designed workout done by the committee. Not only will the members be coached during the workout but also in and out of the gym. Everyone in this organization motivates one another and improves by working hard, having determination and a persevering attitude. This organization’s slogan is  Forging Elite Fitness (GetFitCrossFit, 2012). An individual that enters this organization has definitely made a crucial move towards improving or maintaining their present fitness level but there are issues that may arise among adults in Brunei (Howley Franks, 1991, p.10). Firstly, setting goals is important so that there is an aim to strive. If there are no goals, there is no motivation and a clear plan. This will lead to not being able to see any results from start although GetFitCrossFit assist one person in making healthy changes; one person still have to decide on what changes to make. Secondly, some people are afraid of pain, injury and torture that they might encounter hence not wanting to join this organization. Some people may go for the first time and after finding out what it is all about, they give up as they do not have the mindset of putting in efforts to be fit and healthy. Thirdly, GetFitCrossFit has a fixed time resulting in the main biggest reason to not join or stop this organization is that they have no time. This shows that prioritizing is really poor among adults in Brunei. Fourthly, some people are afraid of their reputation. They may be embarrassed on their appearance, the mistakes they may make, having weak health and poor stam ina (Why people stop exercising, 2012). Letting go of bad habits such as reductions in smoking, alcoholic drinking, weight, eating unhealthy food and stress are also the major issues (Howley Franks, 1991, p.211). Lastly, this is rare but some people can’t afford the membership payment which costs hundred dollars per month. Moving on will be the effectiveness of this organization. GetFitCrossFit organization meets every day except on Sundays after 6pm onwards and in the mornings on Saturday. Amazingly, every Tuesday, the GetFitCrossFit outdoor session is held at the University of Brunei Darussalam. The rest of the days, it is held at their gym which is called the box (GetFitCrossFit, 2010). This organization has a blog which will be updated daily to guide their members before the actual workouts in the evenings occur. According to Tobey (1920, p.649), Emerson once stated â€Å"The first wealth is health.† Therefore the members in this organization do not take this as an expense but instead a necessity and money well spent. They see this as an activity of making new friends and having fun as well as getting or keeping fit. Some people get motivated by having a group of people in an organization having to follow rules and regulations rather than exercising alone (Too, 2011). Exercising  and keeping fit does not only improve and maintain fitness level but it can have a huge impact on living longer even not losing weight (Gard ner, 2011). Besides that, GetFitCrossFit promotes its organization really well. For every first Tuesday and Wednesday of the month, eligible students and unemployed may attend their sessions for free (GetFitCrossFit, 2010). The Social Medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Ranoadidas and Bruneitweet plays a big role in advertising their organization (Sheridan, 2012). Even the bruneitweet, Delwin Keasberry, is a member of this organization. Current members share their e xperiences and goals with their colleagues at work, school and their social peers which really motivate them and hence joining this organization. GetFitCrossFit are also known through the newspapers as they help for charities. They also hold motivational talks to different institutions and participate in road shows. In conclusion, exercise and fitness are necessary elements in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is definitely clear that in order to live long, one needs to have a healthy life. Although Brunei is trying their best to promote and campaign for healthy lifestyles, the issues as mentioned above may arise. GetFitCrossFit organization has a very good intention, motivation and role but it really depends on how effective the organization is. Advertisement and promotion is really important to show adults in Brunei what GetFitCrossFit clearly does and their aim. To wrap it all up Benjamin Franklin once said that â€Å"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.† (

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Evolution Of English Through Time English Language Essay

The Evolution Of English Through Time English Language Essay In the beginning, life was simple and life forms were non-complex. Communication between these life forms was also simple, spoken communication and languages did not exist. As life evolved, and Homo sapiens began roaming the Earth, the need for spoken communication became necessary and languages were born. Join me in an exploration of how the English language came to be, and how it has evolved over time. . The Roman Empire controlled England for centuries; however, by the early 400s the Irish, Britons, and Anglo Saxons invaded and began settling England for themselves. Though each of these tribes had their own language, their dialects were close enough for them to understand each other. The language that developed from this inter-twining of tribes became known as Anglo-Saxon or Old English. Later, during the 800s, with the arrival of the Vikings, two things happened to this Old English language. The first was that many Old Norse words were added, and the second, was the complex conjugations began to decline as people disagreed about which ones to use. The alphabet of the Old English language did not use the letters k, q, v, x or z, and the pronunciations of some of the letters changed depending upon what letters were near them. Vowels were easy with the short vowels a, e, i, o being pronounced pretty much the same, as they are today, the exception was the vowel u, and its pronunciati on was more like the pronunciation of the word book today. The long vowels were often marked with an accent mark and have a completely different pronunciation from the long vowels sounds we recognize today. Along with short and long vowels, the Old English language included three double vowels, each with short and long versions. In 1066, the French-Normans under the rule of William the Conqueror invaded England bringing political change and their French-Norse language, which they made the official language of the monarchy and elite. However, due to the daily need to communicate with the English peasant class, the common language became English. Prior to the Norman invasion, Latin had only a minor influence on the English language, but afterwards there was an influx of Anglo-Norman words added to the English language. There was a split between original Germanic words used by the common class and the Norman words used by the elite for everyday items. Beef and cow are an example of the split in words used by the elite versus the peasants, as beef was often eaten by the elite, while cows were tended by the peasants. Beef has its roots in Anglo-Norman while cow comes from Germanic roots. Many legal terms are also derived from Anglo-Norman roots because the Normans ran the courts. Sometimes, French words replaced Old English words completely, while other times French and Old English combined creating new words. It is important to understand that Middle English was not the only language spoken during this period in England; Scots, Cornish and Welsh were also spoken and differ from Middle English. This accounts for the significant differences in dialects from each of the above areas versus the dialect spoken in London. Sometime in the 12th century, the French Influence in England began to fade and a number of writers began writing in the vernacular language rather than French, Latin or Greek. The 14th century produced the most notable vernacular writer of the time, Geoffrey Chaucer the author of The Canterbury Tales. Since then, the English language has been absorbing vocabulary from many languages around the world. English steadily adds the creation of new words and new uses for old words by the sub-cultures of the English-speaking world. Until the 16th century, French remained to be the literary language and Latin the scholarly language of Europe. The evolution of Middle English into Early Modern English began during the Renaissance in the 16th century when a renewed interest in education sparked across England and most of Europe. As a result of the growing interest in the writings of antiquity many Latin and Greek words were introduced into the English language. Along with the introduction of new words into the English language a shift of vowels, changes to some consonants and grammar were also part of the evolution of English at this time. As more literary works began to be written, the need for the stabilizing the spelling of words became important. One of the earliest attempts at stabilizing the spelling of words came in 1582 with the book Elementarie, by Richard Mulcaster. Some of the principles he established include the removal of all unnecessary letters, adding letters to words to indicate correct pronunciati on and the use of a final silent e to mark long vowels distinguishing them from short vowels. Mulcaster also established other principles, but these three are the most significant. Many spelling concepts within the English language exist simply because some Norman scribe first spelled an English word using the phonetic principles of his own native language. From the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries, the spelling conventions for many words in the English language have been determined by referring to their original forms as a guide; resulting in an unusual combination of old and modern practices. Many of the spellings, including the silent letters of words that we use today were established in the first printed books, and have remained that way because it would have been unfeasible to change printed texts after distribution. By the 17th century, it became abundantly clear that assistance was required for writers to gain a clear understanding of the meanings of words and thei r spelling. One of the first books to offer such assistance was A Table Alphabeticall, published in 1604 by Robert Cawdrey. It was intended to only define difficult and unusual words in the English language that were derived from the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or French languages. This book contained approximately 2500 words with an interpretation of the meaning. The first book to actually call itself a dictionary though, was The English Dictionarie; published in 1623 by Henry Cockeram. This book was a two part work claiming to be able to not only help readers with the understanding of the difficult to understand writings of some authors, but also to attain speedily an elegant perfection of the English tongue in reading, writing and speaking. The first part of Cockerams book contained brief definitions of words that may have been important to the 17th century elite who may have wanted to leave an educated impression on those they spoke with. Many of his words, were ambiguous contrivances cobbled together from bits and pieces of Latin, and were therefore amusingly inventive; however lacked clear understanding. While the second part of his book reversed the process, listing everyday words, following them with his inventive version of meanings meant to show people how to turn simple statements into more impressive complicated ones. Fortunately, this allure to the obscure finally ended. The 18th century once again brought changes to the English language. These evolutionary changes were brought on by two major events; the first was the ascent of the British Empire and the British Industrial Revolution. The ascent of the British Empire introduced the English language to the world; and the new discoveries in the industrial and scientific fields introduced new words into the English language. The classic languages did not support words like oxygen, nuclear, protein or vaccine, therefore Late Modern English relied heavily on Latin and Greek for the creation of these new words. Late Modern English is the form of English that has lasted through to the 21st century, continuing to add new words every few years, as generations of people start using them. A perfect example of 21st century evolution in English today, is the use of SMS language to replace complete words while using the newest technology of cellular phones and computer chat rooms in the internet. SMS English is t he use of acronyms to state either a whole word or a grouping of words to relay a message. It is a form of the English language that was used during the time of the telegraph, and although using it to relay a message within a text message may be faster and easier, it does not follow any standard rules for grammar or spelling or even which acronyms are word specific. Some have claimed that the use of SMS English is wrecking the English language, and from what I have heard and read in my college rhetoric classes, I tend to agree. However, with the addition of at least one SMS word in the English dictionary recently, it appears that the increased use of this dialect is at hand. What evolutionary change could be next after that of SMS? Could the English language evolve from SMS to more technical forms like that of fax machines? Can you imagine walking into a classroom or down the street and listening to people use beeps and slurs to communicate? One thing we do know for sure is that change and evolution is inevitable, and the changes on the horizon will come just as we learn what OMG and LOL are meant to convey.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Negative Effects of Cyberbullying Essay -- Internet, cyber bullyin

We use technology in almost every aspect of our daily lives; it is how we stay connected in this fast-paced world. Technology provides many benefits, but it has the potential to destroy many people. With technology use on the rise, bullying has taken a new, more destructive form. Cyberbullying, as defined by the Cyberbullying Research Center, is the willful and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text (qtd. in Chait). Cyberbullying is a serious problem and has serious consequences. There are many contributing factors to cyberbullying. Children and young adults have almost infinite access to social networking sites, chat forums, and cell phones. It is hard to find a middle school age child without access to the internet in some way. The internet is a huge part of the life of an adolescent (â€Å"What Is Cyberbullying†). Schools typically assign work that requires the use of the internet. It is how we research for projects, papers, and now we can access most of our textbooks online as well. With access to a portal of information about people, websites that allow people to publish their own thoughts, and a fine line of censorship and monitoring, it is as if America is laying the foundation for this to occur. The tools for this crime are lying around and are being abused by people. This leads to many victims having to undergo the harsh effects of cyberbullying. Bullying has always been a problem in its nature but bullying in cyberspace is a whole different story. Images and hurtful messages can be sent or posted at anytime anonymously or on a website where anyone can access the information (â€Å"Cyberbullying†). This increases the chance that the information will be seen by multiple individuals thus embarrassin... ... boys vs. girls." Weekly Reader News Edition 4-6 [a Weekly Reader publication] 2 Sept. 2013: 8. Student Edition. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. Cyberbullying Research Center. Cyberbullying and Suicide. Cyberbullying Research Center, 2013. Cyberbullying Research Center. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. Drummond, Katie. "Cyberbullying Linked to Teen Health Problems." AOL News. AOL, 05 July 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. Parker-Pope, Tara. "Web of Popularity, Achieved by Bullying" The New York Times Company, 14 Feb. 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. Patchin, Justin W., and Sameer Hinduja. "Research." Cyberbullying Research Center - Cyber Bullying Examples, Cases, Laws, Articles, Stories, Presentations, Videos, Facts, Statistics. Cyberbullying Research Center. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. "What Is Cyberbullying?" National Crime Prevention Council. US Department of Justice. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Should Parents Give Their Children Mobile Phone?

Now days, mobile phone become popular in all of people. Hand phone help people to communicate easily. But in the fact, mobile phones can addict someone not only adult people and also young people. Parents should think the impact of using mobile phone to their children due to it is disturbance of their study and social relationship. Children do not want to far from their hand phone. They bring it everywhere, including when they study at home or study in the classroom.So, their concentrate not only in their study but also in their hand phone, they will choose to receive call than they continue their study. In the other side, when parents give hand phone to their children, it will build their relationship and create interaction dialogue or communication. Children will contact somebody who they are expected such as their friends, brother, sister, uncles an etc. it can make warm situation around them, they would not misinformation each other.If children often to communicate someone they w ill have good interaction, easy to communicate. So, with their relationship and their interaction it will make them confident to utterance their opinion. Even though there are advantages of hand phone for children, but in the fact the highest percentage is the disadvantages of hand phone. Hand phone for children causes the damage of personal such us lazy to do something. If children playing hand phone, they would not want to do the other activities.If they have bad relationship with other people, it will influence their habitually like easy to get emotion. So, hand phone has the big rule of their behavior if they could not use in the right way. Parents must be active to control their children when they use mobile phone. Even though parents easy to communicate with their children but they would not know who their children called. So, giving children hand phone is not the best choice for parents who busy with their career.

Amsterdam Company Essay

Question 2 Presented below is information related to Rembrandt Inc.’s inventory. (per unit)SkisBootsParkas Historical Cost273.79152.7576.37 Selling Price312.70208.95106.27 Cost to distribute27.3811.533.60 Current replacement cost292.52151.3173.49 Normal profit margin46.1141.7930.62 Determine the following: Question 3 Matlock Company uses a perpetual inventory system. Its beginning inventory consists of 67 units that cost $40 each. During June, the company purchased 202 units at $40 each, returned 8 units for credit, and sold 168 units at $67 each. Journalize the June transactions. Question 4 Amsterdam Company uses a periodic inventory system. For April, when the company sold 700 units, the following information is available. Compute the April 30 inventory and the April cost of goods sold using the average cost method. Question 5 Amsterdam Company uses a periodic inventory system. For April, when the company sold 600 units, the following information is available. Compute the April 30 inventory and the April cost of goods sold using the FIFO method. Question 6 (FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost Inventory) Esplanade Company was formed on December 1, 2011. The following information is available from Esplanade’s inventory records for Product BAP. PurchasesUnitsUnit Cost January 1, 2012(beginning inventory)7628.00 January 5, 20121,5249.00 January 25, 20121,65110.00 February 16, 20121,06111.00 March 26, 201276212.00 A physical inventory on March 31, 2012, shows 2,032 units on hand. Prepare schedules to compute the ending inventory at March 31, 2012, under each of the following inventory methods. Assume Esplanade Company uses the periodic inventory method. Question 7 Floyd Corporation has the following four items in its ending inventory. Determine the final lower of cost or market inventory value for each item. Question 8 Kumar Inc. uses a perpetual inventory system. At January 1, 2013, inventory was $320,786 at both cost and market value. At December 31, 2013, the inventory was $428,714 at cost and $403,231 at market value. Prepare the necessary December 31 entry under: Question 9 Boyne Inc. had beginning inventory of $15,000 at cost and $25,000 at retail. Net purchases were $150,000 at cost and $212,500 at retail. Net markups were $12,500; net markdowns were $8,750; and sales were $196,250. Compute ending inventory at cost using the conventional retail method. Question 10 (Gross Profit Method) Astaire Company uses the gross profit method to estimate inventory for monthly reporting purposes. Presented below is information for the month of  May. Question 11 Previn Brothers Inc. purchased land at a price of $30,400. Closing costs were $1,820. An old building was removed at a cost of $14,850. What amount should be recorded as the cost of the land? Question 12 Garcia Corporation purchased a truck by issuing an $108,000, 4-year, zero-interest-bearing note to Equinox Inc. The market rate of interest for obligations of this nature is 10%. Prepare the journal entry to record the purchase of this truck. Question 13 Mohave Inc. purchased land, building, and equipment from Laguna Corporation for a cash payment of $352,800. The estimated fair values of the assets are land $67,200, building $246,400, and equipment $89,600. At what amounts should each of the three assets be recorded? Question 14 Fielder Company obtained land by issuing 2,000 shares of its $12 par value common stock. The land was recently appraised at $103,700. The common stock is actively traded at $50 per share. Prepare the journal entry to record the acquisition of the land. Question 15 Navajo Corporation traded a used truck (cost $23,600, accumulated depreciation $21,240) for a small computer worth $4,366. Navajo also paid $1,180 in the transaction. Prepare the journal entry to record the exchange. Question 16 Mehta Company traded a used welding machine (cost $10,080, accumulated depreciation $3,360) for office equipment with an estimated fair value of $5,600. Mehta also paid $3,360 cash in the transaction. Prepare the journal entry to record the exchange. Question 17 Depreciation is normally computed on the basis of the nearest A). full month and to the nearest dollar. B). day and to the nearest cent. C). day and to the nearest dollar. D). full month and to the nearest cent. Question 18 Fernandez Corporation purchased a truck at the beginning of 2012 for $54,180. The truck is estimated to have a salvage value of $2,580 and a useful life of 206,400 miles. It was driven 29,670 miles in 2012 and 39,990 miles in 2013. Compute depreciation expense for 2012 and 2013. Question 19 Lockhard Company purchased machinery on January 1, 2012, for $79,200. The machinery is estimated to have a salvage value of $7,920 after a useful life of 8 years. (a) Compute 2012 depreciation expense using the double-declining balance method. (b) Compute 2012 depreciation expense using the double-declining balance method assuming the machinery was purchased on October 1, 2012. Question 20 Jurassic Company owns machinery that cost $1,145,700 and has accumulated depreciation of $458,280. The expected future net cash flows from the use of the asset are expected to be $636,500. The fair value of the equipment is $509,200. Prepare the journal entry, if any, to record the impairment loss. Question 21 Everly Corporation acquires a coal mine at a cost of $501,600. Intangible development costs total $125,400. After extraction has occurred, Everly must restore the property (estimated fair value of the obligation is $100,320), after which it can be sold for $200,640. Everly estimates that 5,016 tons of coal can be extracted. If 878 tons are extracted the first year, prepare the journal entry to record depletion. Question 22 Francis Corporation purchased an asset at a cost of $58,200 on March 1, 2012. The asset has a useful life of 8 years and a salvage value of $5,820. For tax purposes, the MACRS class life is 5 years. Compute tax depreciation for each year 2012–2017. Question 23 Celine Dion Corporation purchases a patent from Salmon Company on January 1, 2012, for $50,820. The patent has a remaining legal life of 16 years. Celine Dion feels the patent will be useful for 10 years. Prepare Celine Dion’s journal entries to record the purchase of the patent and 2012 amortization. Question 24 Karen Austin Corporation has capitalized software costs of $768,500, and sales of this product the first year totaled $390,630. Karen Austin anticipates earning $911,470 in additional future revenues from this product, which is estimated to have an economic life of 4 years. Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year. (a) Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year using the percent of revenue approach. (b) Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the first year using the straight-line approach. Question 25 Jeff Beck is a farmer who owns land which borders on the right-of-way of the Northern Railroad. On August 10, 2012, due to the admitted negligence of the Railroad, hay on the farm was set on fire and burned. Beck had had a dispute with the Railroad for several years concerning the ownership of a small parcel of land. The representative of the Railroad has offered to assign any rights which the Railroad may have in the land to Beck in exchange for a release of his right to reimbursement for the loss he has sustained from the fire. Beck appears inclined to accept the Railroad’s offer. The Railroad’s 2012 financial statements should include the following related to the incident: A). recognition of a loss only. B). creation of a liability only. C). disclosure in note form only. D). recognition of a loss and creation of a liability for the value of the land. Question 26 Roley Corporation uses a periodic inventory system and the gross method of accounting for purchase discounts. On July 1, Roley purchased $66,000 of inventory, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. Roley paid freight costs of $1,210. On July 3, Roley returned damaged goods and received credit of $6,600. On July 10, Roley paid for the goods. Prepare all necessary journal entries for Roley. Question 27 Takemoto Corporation borrowed $93,000 on November 1, 2012, by signing a $95,093, 3-month, zero-interest-bearing note. Prepare Takemoto’s November 1, 2012, entry; the December 31, 2012, annual adjusting entry; and the February 1, 2013, entry. (For multiple debit/credit en tries, list amounts from largest to smallest, e.g. 10, 8, 6. Round all answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. 11,150.) Question 28 Whiteside Corporation issues $629,000 of 9% bonds, due in 14 years, with interest payable semiannually. At the time of issue, the annual market rate for such bonds is 10%. Compute the issue price of the bonds.(Use the present value tables in the text. Question 29 Indiana Jones Company enters into a 6-year lease of equipment on January 1, 2012, which requires 6 annual payments of $37,560 each, beginning January 1, 2012. In addition, the lessee guarantees a residual value of $20,870 at lease-end. The equipment has a useful life of 6 years. Assume that for Lost Ark Company, the lessor, collectibility is reasonably predictable, there are no important uncertainties concerning costs, and the carrying amount of the machinery is $191,722. Prepare Lost Ark’s January 1, 2012, journal entries. Question 30 On January 1, 2012, Irwin Animation sold a truck to Peete Finance for $26,050 and immediately leased it back. The truck was carried on Irwin’s books at $20,800. The term of the lease is 5 years, and title transfers to Irwin at lease-end. The lease requires five equal rental payments of $7,048 at the end of each year. The appropriate rate of interest is 11%, and the truck has a useful life of 5 years with no salvage value. Prepare Irwin’s 2012 journal entries.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Memo and Notice of Meeting Example Essay

Please be reminded that prompt and efficient service is the key to a successful business. The clients you serve are the business’ future and maintaining a good relationship with them is very important. A good relationship with clients can only be maintained through Prompt and Efficient Service. Delivering, collecting and repairing machines promptly is vital to the survival of a company. Therefore, you are reminded to act promptly. It is also important that there be proper communication with clients if there is a problem. We almost lost a client as a result of improper behaviour. TES VOLUNTARY CARERS ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF MEETING The TES Voluntary Carers Association, Manchester Division, Monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 27 2011 at 9:00 am in Room 803 on the 3rd floor of the Technical Ed. Building St Hews College, 252 Manchester Road Mandeville AGENDA 1Call to Order 2Invocation 3Welcome/ Apologies 4Minutes of last Meeting 5Matter arising from Minutes 6Correspondence 7Reports (a)Director of Social and inter clubbing (b)Treasurer’s report 8New Business 9Any Other Business 10Date of next Meeting 11Adjournment extra words The field slaves had the most difficult time among the different slaves. They had to work longer than any other kind of slave. They usually worked from sunrise to sunset in comparison to the house slaves who only worked a few hours. House slaves were treated far better than the field slaves as some were treated like the slave-owner’s children. The House slaves were kept clean, well dressed, and were allowed to speak much more often because they served the food to the owners and their guests. In fact the house slaves were allowed to eat in the house, not at the table but usually in a back room. As for the FS, they usually ate out in the barn with the animals and were only fed enough to keep them strong enough to work. Field slaves were often whipped, sometimes for without a reason. Their jobs included hoeing, harvesting, ploughing, mowing etc. However, all the slaves whether domestic, factory or field had some things in common in terms of their lifestyle. Most of the slaves were illiterate and the masters did what they could to keep them this way for various reasons. Slaves were allocated a region of the plantation for their living quarters. Slaves houses were usually wooden shacks with dirt floors, but sometimes houses were made of boards nailed up with cracks stuffed with rags. The beds were collected pieces of straw or grass, and old rags, and only one blanket for a covering. A single room could have up to a dozen people-men, women, and children. Another similarity they shared was that they all had a master who they had to obey. They would be punished for murder, robbery, arson or assault upon a white person. Slaves could be killed for murder, burglary, arson, and assault upon a white person. Plantation owners believed that this severe discipline would make the slaves too scared to rebel. Slaves were also whipped.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE - Essay Example .g., a nurse or social worker taking care of a patient or co-coordinating a care package) or who is responsible for giving assistance to others (Byran, T, et al, 2002). In this essay, a theoretical understanding of leadership and management skills, social values and ethics will be discussed and critically assessed.   In addition, the role of a social worker working with people with disabilities will be examined.   A reflective account of my group presentation will be analysed and will reflect the knowledge, skills, values of my preparation, planning, implementation, presentation and evaluation of the session delivered to the class and tutor (Parahoo 2006). Both third and first person will be used to analyze the chosen content. I will use Gibbs (1998) reflective model to examine my reflection. Disability Discrimination Act (1995) defines disability as â€Å"a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities† (Cited in DOH, 2001). A social worker working with people with learning disabilities can be in statutory, voluntary, or private sector (Corey, Gerald. 2009).The social worker’s work involves mostly fieldwork where he can visit clients at their homes, in hospitals or day care centres.  His major role is to alleviate the discrimination people with learning disabilities face in society (Gates, B, & Helen A.2007). A social worker for the disabled helps the latter to live more successfully within their local communities by helping them find solutions to their problems. Reality therapy introduced by William Glasser (1999), increases choices that are reasonable and attainable in terms of goals. Motivational interviewing designed by Miller and Rollnick (2002), is another technique that helps clients through centered conversations on their goals for change. These methods promote healthy progress in their lives and the second technique is intended to be

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Reflection for a reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection for a reading - Essay Example Again, the behavioral trait that is inherent within an individual also works towards shaping his/her individual identity. My learning of the text also revealed that proper communication is the base to attain a cultural identity. When an individual communicate with another individual belonging to different culture, he/she must have a brief overview about the culture of other individual for communicating effectively. This will lead to a more effective intercultural communication. Cultural identity of an individual is also identified to be dependent on the way one presents his/her culture to other. For example, if an individual depicts that he/she belongs to the Chinese culture, it will be perceived that the individual is imbedded with Confucianism behavior (Holliday, Hyde and Kullman 2010). Hence, it can be conceptualized that a Chinese individual will mainly develop his/her identity in and around the Confucianism behavior. The study of the theme i.e. ‘identity’ from the text also revealed that it is an individual’s own effort to develop him/her in a way that others can easily accept them. An example in the text depicts that a group of girls in UK were involved in a loud and improper communication. In this way, they were presenting a bad picture of their cultures for strangers they were travelling in the bus. Again, the example also depicted that one more girls joined two girls and the loud communication amid them continues. This approach is regarded as cultural identity multiplicity. From the study of the text, I have also been able to learn that there is a specific identity card for every culture depicting ethnicity and sex among others. The girls who were communicating in bad language within the bus presented morals, values and upbringing of their culture, which further form their identity card. In some culture bad language like slag and tart are used as informal way of communica tion to greet amid girls (Holliday, Hyde and Kullman 2010). Thus, values,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Movie Application with Interpersonal Communication Essay

Movie Application with Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example The story takes a turn when someone shoots the store clerk to death. Police officials come to the store in order to collect evidence. The murderers’ descriptions given by the witnesses accidentally match with the appearance of Bill and Stan. The police officials arrest both friends for the court prosecution. Bill’s mother sends an attorney, Vinny, to handle Bill’s case. Vinny, who has been shown as the cousin of Bill, takes the case and becomes the lawyer of Bill and Stan. â€Å"He has no courtroom experience, and indeed no experience at all except with a few personal injury cases† (Ebert, 1992). Vinny tries to deceive the judge by saying that he is a well-experienced lawyer whereas the judge doubts his qualification and experience. With all this drama and confusion, the story continues and ends with the dismissal of all charges against Bill and Stan. Interpersonal Conflicts Concepts Having described the plot of the movie, let us now discuss some interpers onal communication concepts in relationship with some specific behaviors found in the movie. The interpersonal communication concepts, which will be included in discussion, are legitimate power, harmful conflicts, and beneficial conflicts. Legitimate power is a form of power, which a person can exercise where needed. This power can be exercised in situations where communication leads to conflicts between people and the conflict does not seem to be resolving by any other means. Use of legitimate power is a successful way to resolve any kind of conflict. Having power is an ability to achieve some objectives whereas having legitimate power is the ability to influence others using some specific laws and regulations. Legitimate power is used in such cases where interpersonal communication is not able to resolve issues successfully because of some law related complexities (Floyd, 2008). In such cases, a person with legitimate power plays his/her role by providing a better solution towards the problem based on proper laws. We can also take example from the movie selected for discussion in this regard. In the movie, Vinny used his legitimate power to fight the case of his cousin who was not involved in the murder and was taken into custody based on wrong proofs. Had Vinny not exercised his legitimate power to call the local sheriff for testifying the allegation, the judge would have made a wrong judgment regarding Bill and Stan. Therefore, we can say that use of legitimate powers is very beneficial to resolve all sorts of conflicts. Another interpersonal communication concept described in the book is that conflicts can be harmful if not treated properly. Interpersonal communication conflicts can produce adverse effects on the involved parties if no proper actions are taken for the resolution of conflicts. In personal relationships, conflicts can put a very negative impact on the strength of relationships. Therefore, interpersonal communication conflicts and personal r elationship conflicts need to be managed very carefully because if conflicts persist for a long time, they can be very dangerous for the relationships. In the movie, which was selected for review, Vinny puts his frustration out on his fiancee, Lisa, by taunting her. This attitude of Vinny upsets Lisa and she gets out of the courtroom. This situation makes Vinny alone and he feels that he has not shown a good behavior towards Lisa. Therefore, he gets out of the room for a while and makes Lisa come into the room to

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Classroom Behavior Management Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Classroom Behavior Management Plan - Essay Example Disruptive behavior in this context refers to defiant behavior and disregard of the rules that have been put in place (Wang, Haertel, & Walberg, 2003). Examples of the Targeted Behavior Disruptive behavior is usually a violation of the rules that have been put in place to govern the behavior of the students in the classroom. It is important that, in addition to being subject to the rules, the students participate in their creation. An example of rules assisting in managing the classroom behavior is ensuring that the students do not speak without raising their hands. The student should also ensure that all materials necessary for the lesson are brought into the classroom. This is to ensure that movement during class session is minimized. The students must also seek the teacher’s permission to leave their desks or to address the others. In the classroom, both the students and the teacher should make sure that official school language is used. The student must do as asked by the teacher without the teacher having to repeat the instructions that have been given in the class. In instances when group discussions are required, the groups will be assigned to the students by the teacher to ensure that the students stick to the discussion that is expected of them as opposed to straying from the topic as is likely to happen if the students pick the groups themselves. When the rules are established, it is important for a teacher to explain why each of the rules is important. The students will be required to own the rules; it will be easier for the students to follow the rules if they participate in making them. Rationale Disruptive behavior has a very discouraging outcome in students and school performances. Disruptive behavior that is often observed in the classroom includes aggressive behavior, when a student pushes others around and engages them in physical altercations. A student who shows aggressive behavior may also damage property in the classroom. Disruptive behavior of the student can also be of a social nature when the student tries to divert the attention of the teacher and the classmates by engaging in topics that are not relevant to what is being discussed. The disruptive student may also pass notes or whisper to others while the teacher continues with the lesson. Method of Collecting Baseline Data The classroom management plan is important, as without it, learning is likely to be disrupted and the learning goals that have been established will not be achieved. The plan is important to the achievement of the learning goals and the maintenance of order in the classroom setting. The data will be collected through classroom observation. This is because most of the disruptive behaviors that have been identified can be observed in the classroom setting. For example, it is easy to observe a student who is passing notes or trying to divert the attention of the class as well as engaging in other forms of disruptive behavior. Hypothetical Baseline Data Behavioral level 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 days (Marzano & Marzano, 2009) With the help of the hypothetical baseline data above, it is verifiable that the identified classroom behaviors are deteriorating with time. This calls for instant measures to counter the over increasing unbearable classroom behaviors. Behavioral Goal The core aim of the plan is to ensure transformation of the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Key Principles of Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Key Principles of Corporate Governance - Essay Example The role of corporate governance has, therefore, become increasingly vital to the strategic management of the organization and projection of its aims and objectives in the eyes of the public and other stakeholders. Corporate governance can be broadly defined as the creation of business environment within and outside the organization that would effectively meet the challenges of the time and improve and improvise the productivity of the performance outcome. The lack of effective controls vis-Ã  -vis malpractices in accounts and auditing, security of confidential information, corrupt practices in the higher hierarchy of management, disparity in rules and regulation etc. have become crucial risks factors that have resulted in huge economic loss for its shareholders as well adversely affecting its credibility in the market. Hence, in the fast changing environment of globalization, business compulsions have become more stringent in their nature and factors like accountability, responsibility and reliability have become important pre-requisites for business to create a credible environment for their trade and investment. ‘Corporate governance framework should recognize the rights of stakeholders established by law or through mutual agreement..’ (Du Plessis, 2005, p.36). The key principles of corporate governance are described and ranked in order of importance as under: ‘Corporate disclosure to stakeholders is the principal means by which companies can become transparent’ (Solomon, 2007, p143). Thus, Corporate Governance promotes effective control measures to safeguard the interest of all its stakeholders, investors and business partners. Under the codes of corporate governance, the disclosure mainly relates to the policy of the company to disclose relevant information about its budgets, annual financial statements